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    Generating late payment fees

    To generate late payment fees at any time, navigate to the Customers module. Go to the More Options menu and choose Late Payment Fees.


    Use the four range fields, Customer Type, Customer Group, Customer Account to refine the customers being charged late payment fees. 


    The Minimum age of balances to include allows you to limit how old invoices are, before late payment fees are calculated on that invoice


    Process Fees Based On Balances As At allows you to select a date. This date looks at the balances, and in conjunction with the minimum age of balances, is used to calculate the late fees.


    The options allow further refinement of the customers being charged late payment fees.


    Exclude invoices paid since balance date – Any invoices that have been paid since the chosen balance date are excluded from the calculation, even if they would have generated late payment fees at balance date

    Exclude customers with late payment fees less than – This allows a threshold to be set. Any late payment fees below this threshold are ignored if this option is selected

    Exclude customers charged late payment fees since – If the late payment fees have already been run for a portion of the customers in Infusion, this excludes those customers who have had their late payment fees already calculated.

    Terms and conditions signed – When selected, only customers who have the corresponding terms and conditions signed box on their customer record.

    Exclude customers with a credit balance – Customers with a net credit balance, such as if they have an unallocated  payment for more than their owing invoices, can be excluded from the late payment fee calculation.


    As options are selected, the summary table updates with the number of customers included in the late payment fees calculation.


    Once all filters have been chosen, choose Select to view all of the customers in the late payment fees run.


    This opens a list of all customers included, showing a number of details, including overdue balances, when they last paid and the amount of the fee.


    Customers can be manually included or excluded from the calculation by selecting or deselecting the customer through the selection box on their line.


    Choose Post to complete the Late Payment Fees, and a confirmation window displays.  Choose Confirm to complete the transaction.

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