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    Enabling, adding and deactivating cost centres

    Before the Cost Centres can be used, it needs to be enabled. When enabled this creates a single Cost Centre that all transactions are assigned to, based on the location of the transaction. 


    Enabling Cost Centres 

    To enable the Cost Centres function, open the Settings module and navigate to Financial Settings. Choose Edit and locate the setting Enable cost centres at the bottom of the list:


    If its not enabled, use the slider to enable cost centres within Infusion. As noted in the on-screen information message, all product locations will be linked to the default cost centre if they don’t currently have an assigned cost centre.


    Adding a cost centre

    Cost Centres are added in the Settings module, in the Financials section. Navigate to the Cost Centres settings option. This will bring up the list of all Cost Centres. To add a new Cost Centre choose Add.


    Each Cost Centre needs to have a unique name entered into the Name field. You can also assign a colour code to the Cost Centre to make it visually distinct. Additionally, a new Cost Centre can be set as the default by enabling Set as default.


    The current default Cost Centre is noted. In this case the default Cost Centre is named CHRISTCHURCH:


    Deactivating a Cost Centre

    When a single Cost Centre is no longer needed, it can be deactivated. Deactivating a Cost Centre stops it being selected in future transactions, but doesn’t remove it entirely. Cost Centres must not be assigned to a location, or on any pending transactions before they can be deactivated.


    To deactivate a Cost Centre, navigate to the Cost Centres setting. Open the spill menu at the end of the line and choose Deactivate.


    Once a Cost Centre has been deactivated, an Inactive badge is displayed on that Cost Centre line:

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