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    Cost Centres on GL Enquiries

    When Cost Centres are enabled, more details are added to the Enquiry function of each GL Account When on the Enquiry view of any account, new information is added to the Transaction Lines, Balances and Budget vs Actuals tabs.


    Transaction Lines Tab

    A new column, Cost Centres, has been added, displaying the Cost Centre of each transaction line.



    Balances Tab

    A new selector appears when Cost Centres are active, allowing the ability to filter the balances specific to the selected Cost Centre


    This makes it easier to track the balance patterns for that Cost Centre for this and the two previous years, identifying any trends in advance. 



    Budget vs Actuals Tab

    Much like the Balances Tab, the Budgets vs Actuals Tab has a selector allowing you to switch between the entire business or an individual Cost Centre. 


    This lets you check how the budget on that account is tracking for the selected Cost Centre.

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