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    Using Auto Order on a Purchase Order

    Auto Ordering is a powerful tool, that allows users to order products based on either the number of units sold in a period, or by previously entered minimum and maximum quantites,


    A new Purchase Order first needs to be created first from the Suppliers module. This includes selecting a location for the order to go to. If the Auto Order is going to be based on the minimum and maximum quantities for the location, these need to be set up first.


    Auto Ordering by sales

    Auto Ordering by sales bases the amount ordered, by the number of products sold in a period. 


    Choose auto order by sales


    The filters can be used to narrow down the selection of products to order. These range selection filters can be used in any combination, or not at all as required to generate the list of potential products to order.



    Use the assess sales fields to select a particular period of sales.


    Only assess products where this supplier is the Preferred Supplier: When enabled, only products that have the supplier on the purchase order, set as the preferred supplier are taken into consideration for the auto order.

    Assess sales for all locations: If this is enabled, all sales for the product are assessed to generate the auto order. If disabled, only sales for the chosen location on the purchase order are used to calculate the auto order.

    Quantity sold includes kitset components: If the product is included as a component in a kitset, when enabled this option includes those kitset sales as well as individual product sales. 

    Include saved purchase orders in calculations: when enabled, any saved draft purchase orders reduce the ordered quantity on the auto order

    Include pending invoice backorders in calculations: When enabled, any saved, but unposted invoices that include backorders of the product are included as part of the auto order calculation.




    Once all the options have been chosen, and the relevant sales period select, Choose show summary to see which products need ordering. 

    this screen shows the quantity and average monthly sales to show how the stock is turning over. Enter in the quantity to order.

    Use Confirm and add to po to add the entered products to the Purchase Order. The Purchase Order can then be saved or posted as normal.



    Auto Ordering by min/max

    This calculates the order based on the entered minimum and maximum levels of stock in a location.


    Choose auto order by min / max


    The same filters and Show Sales fields display, allowing you to narrow down the selection of products and time frame to order



    Only assess products where this supplier is the Preferred Supplier: When enabled, only products that have the supplier on the purchase order, set as the preferred supplier are taken into consideration for the auto order.

    Assess sales for all locations: If this is enabled, all sales for the product are assessed to generate the auto order. If disabled, only sales for the chosen location on the purchase order are used to calculate the auto order.

    Quantity sold includes kitset components: If the product is included as a component in a kitset, when enabled this option includes those kitset sales as well as individual product sales. 

    Include saved purchase orders in calculations: when enabled, any saved draft purchase orders reduce the ordered quantity on the auto order

    Include pending invoice backorders in calculations: When enabled, any saved, but unposted invoices that include backorders of the product are included as part of the auto order calculation.



    Choose show summary to see which products need ordering, and use Confirm and add to PO


    Enter in the amount to order in the Add to Order column. Once all items have been entered, use Confirm and add to PO to add the products to the purchase order.


    Save or post the purchase order as normal




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