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    Setting supplier Auto Order method

    Supplier's can be set to use one of three options for generating the Auto Order. These are to use the system default, or to be set to use either by min/max or by sales, regardless of the system default setting. To make this easier a prompt can be enabled when 


    Setting the Supplier default for Auto Ordering

    Navigate to the Supplier module and open the supplier. Go to the Orders tab, and then choose Edit to make changes.


    There are four options to choose from in the Prompt to Auto Order: 

    • Default setting - This sets the supplier to use the system-wide default, appearing under the Supplier Purchase Order and Payments settings in the Prompt to Auto Order field.
    • No prompt - No prompt will be displayed when selecting this supplier and a location on the purchase order.
    • By min/max - This generates the purchase order using the min/max calculation method, ensuring that all products that are between the minimum and maximum quantities.
    • By sales - This generates the purchase order using the number of sales in the nominated period for the location to determine the auto order quantities.


    If any of the Prompt to Auto Order options are selected, except for No Prompt, when both this supplier and a location are selected on a purchase order, the prompt will appear.







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