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    24.06.2024 - Release Notes 0.55.1

    Download Release Notes for Hotfix 0.55 Release Notes.pdf





    Something went wrong error when posting a recurring invoice with a GL Line

    Corrected an issue preventing recurring invoices with one or more GL lines on the invoice from posting.


    Pick and Pack



    Serial Number tracked products in Pick and Packs

    An issue with Pick and Packs for invoices with serial number tracked products has been discovered, resulting in this functionality being disabled until a resolution can be found.

    Any Pick and Packs for invoices that included one or more serial number tracked products cannot currently be completed. Instead, the Pick and Pack will need to be deleted. 


    Suppliers and Purchase Orders



    Unable to create an invoice from a Purchase Order that had additional lines added on receipt

    Resolved an issue where an invoice couldn’t be created for a purchase order, that had lines added to the receipt that weren’t on the original purchase order.


    Duplicate key error when validating product receipt lines

    A duplicate key error occurring when a user tries to add more lines to a product receipt from a supplier purchase order has been addressed and the error should no longer occur when adding product lines to the product receipt.


    Cannot read properties of null error when trying to view the supplier invoice from an unposted product receipt

    Corrected an underling issue that prevented the supplier invoice from being opened from an unposted purchase order receipt.


    Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘0’) error when trying to view the supplier invoice from an unposted product receipt

    Addressed an issue where the error Cannot read properties of null (reading’0’) would appear when opening an invoice from a filled or partially filled purchase order.





    TransactionSourceType is null error when running the Financial Transactions Detail (Standard) report

    The Financial Transaction Detail (Standard) report in Portrait layout has received a fix, resolving a situation where a TransactionSourceType is null error is experienced. 

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