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    Kitset Quantities

    Managing stock quantities for kitsets is one of the key differences between Received and Invoiced kitsets. To ensure accurate stock management and invoicing, it is important to correctly record how stock is received into the business - this is different between kitset types.

    Stock quantities are typically recorded against products and as they are receipted in and subsequently sold - the quantities go up and down.

    Stock quantities and management for kitsets depend on the type.

    • Invoiced Kitsets are not held in stock - product balances aren't recorded. 
    • Received Kitsets are recognised as a stocked item - quantities and balances are shown against them.

    Because Received Kitsets are a recognised stock item, quantities are managed in the same way as a standard product.

    The below table references the impact of transactions against the quantities of Kitsets and Components.

     Invoiced Kitset  Received Kitset Component
    Product Receipt - Received Kitset -
    Write Off - Received Kitset -
    🡻 -
    Customer Invoice - with Received Kitset - 🡻
    Customer Invoice - with Component as a product -

    All components of a kitset must exist as a product within Infusion in order to be added as a component to a kitset. When added as a component, the kitset is stating that these are the items that are required to sell the kitset.

    For products that are only a kitset component and not individually sold, it is recommended to set to Stop all Sales so that the product cannot be added to an invoice on its own.

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