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    Setting up Products to sell in WooCommerce

    Before you start

    Categorisation of Products from Infusion to the website

    Please check with the web team the best categorisation method for your data. By default:

    • The WooCommerce product category is copied from the Infusion product group.
    • The WooCommerce product tags are copied from the Infusion product website custom fields with the codes "TAG1", "TAG2", etc.
    • The WooCommerce product brand is copied from the Infusion product website custom field with the code "BRAND".


    Please check your product settings 


    • Include in website: When you add a new product should it sync to the website immediately or only when you decide to include it?
    • Web Description Format:  When adding a new product should the web description default to HTML or Plain txt?

    ·         PRODUCT SETTINGS:

    • Include new documents/images in website by default:  Highly recommended to turn this setting on before loading images to ensure they are included on the website without additional work.


    Variable Products

    Consider variable products  - these will need to be assessed and manually entered. Current products can be linked to a variable product.  Note that existing products will need to be unticked from include in website, then linked to the variable product, then re-ticked to include in website.

    Bulk Updating

    The following settings can be exported and reimported:

    • Product Group & Subgroups
    • Include in website setting
    • Product website tags

    The following cannot currently be bulk uploaded or updated

    • Product images
    • Product image include in website setting
    • Product Web description * Product notes can be imported which can be used as the description if the web description is not populated.


    Setting up products

    Just as products need to be setup to be able to be sold within Infusion, the products need to be setup to be sold through WooCommerce. Products will need to be added to Infusion first, before they can be sold online.


    Navigate to the Settings module and go to Product Settings. Choose Edit and enable the setting Include new documents/images in website by default:


    This setting controls whether or not new documents and images are set to be added to the website  by default.



    To set an item to be sold online through WooCommerce, open the product in the Products module. 


    If you want to have a picture of the item for sale, go to Documents / Images

    Click Add and upload an image of the product.  This will add the image to that product, and if you have the Include in website setting enabled this will be synced to the website


    Go to the Website tab > Edit.


    Fill in the Description for the product.

    You can choose whether you want to use Plain text or HTML in the Web Description Format. 


    To record the description using html, use a free word to html generator to convert formatted text to html.


    If the Web Description is empty, then the contents of the Public Notes field on the Details tab of the product will be used instead.




    If required fill in the Tags information. 


    Once all information has been filled in use the Include in Website Slider and click Save. The product will be synced on save to WooCommerce.




    Removing a product from sale in WooCommerce

    To remove an item for sale on WooCommerce open the item from the products menu and go to the Website menu


    Using the Slider bar, remove the item from being included in the website.


    This removes the item from sale online, but retains it within Infusion.

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