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    Making a Direct Credit customer refund

    If a customer has their bank account details saved in the Terms/Pricing tab of the customer record, they can be refunded using a direct credit payment. This allows the refund to be included as part of the next direct credit payment, rather than having to be done by a manual bank transfer.



    When a customer refund is being entered, the payment option of “Direct Credit” is now available in the Banking Method drop down.



    When Direct Credit is chosen, new fields are shown that are specific to the direct credit payment. These are the Payee Bank Account Number, Reference, Code and Particulars, all of which are taken from the customer record.



    The Payee Reference, Payee Code and Payee Particulars can all be updated as required on this transaction.


    The Received Amount needs to be entered in as a negative, and allocated to an invoice. This ensures that the Net Amount on the payment Summary section is negative, to allow the refund to be paid through the Direct Credit system.





    The refund can then be posted as normal. Once posted, the Direct Credit payment for the customer is paid out in the same way direct credit supplier payments are made.

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