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    Search within a bank reconciliation

    To avoid having unreconciled transactions left in Infusion it is recommended to search for existing transactions to reconcile with (instead of creating new ones). This is particularly important for bank transactions that have No Suggestions, but also helpful where suggestions have been offered as these may be incorrect.

    Global search

    The global search bar at the top of the screen searches the active tab, that is, either Imported, Processed, Close Offs or Deposits. 

    These tabs display the following information:

    • Imported - Unreconciled bank transactions
    • Processed - Infusion transactions including payments, refunds, funds transfers and bank deposits. The default list shows unreconciled transactions. Use the filter to revise the list.
    • Close Offs - List of Close Offs with dates and balances
    • Deposits - List of bank deposits

    Use the search bar to define specific search terms or use filters to refine the displayed lists. Sort arrows at the top of columns are also helpful for managing lists.

    Search within a bank transaction

    To search for a transaction in Infusion to match the imported bank transaction, select a transaction to open it then search specifically to find a match.  The search bar in the transaction looks at all posted Infusion transactions within the system.



    Search by name details or Infusion transaction and reference numbers.  

    Results are returned where the search term is found within a transaction or as part of an account name. 

    • Highlighted text show search matches. 
    • Symbols in the right of columns provide more information about transactions and availability to reconcile. 
    • Clear Search and Show Suggestions at the end of the search bar update search results to clear them or revert to system supplied suggestions.

    If a correct result is displayed, it is available to reconcile. Use the options at the end of the line  to complete the processing. Alternatively, click on the result to match it. Here the transaction closes, returning you to the import list where the transaction displays matched and ready to reconcile.

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