Invoices created in the POS module aren’t emailed from within the POS module but rather from the Customers module of Infusion. Specifically, the Invoices function of the Customers module.
To locate the invoices created through the POS module, three filters need to be applied.
The first filter is to locate only the invoices from the Point of Sale system. Open the Filter and choose Created App Source, then select Point of Sale.
The second filter is to reduce the list of all invoices from the POS to only the transactions that have been posted. Using the Filter to select Customer Invoice Status and then Posted.
Finally, the third filter is to select all invoices that haven’t been emailed previously. Open the Filters menu and choose Email Status, and then select Not Emailed.
These three filters will update the list of invoices to only posted invoices from the POS module. Select all the invoices to be emailed using the selection box.
These invoices can now be bulk emailed by selecting Invoice.
This generates all of the selected invoices ready to be emailed.
If desired, users can select View: Email Only on the window to filter the window to only invoices that are eligible to be emailed
Use the Email option at the bottom of the window to bulk email all eligible invoices.
Invoices can only be emailed if the customer has an email address saved on their customer record.
For more information on generating invoices for emailing, see