Purchase order lines can be imported into Infusion from a .csv file, allowing you to quickly add multiple lines to a single purchase order.
The import file needs to be a .csv file and can contain the following fields.
- Product Code: This is the product code being ordered, and should match a previously entered product code.
- Description: Your name for the product.
- Ordered Quantity: The number of units being ordered.
- Unit Cost ($): The cost of the complete unit.
- Discount (%): enter if a discount is to be applied.
To import lines to a purchase order open the product drop-down and select Import Product Lines.
You'll then need to browse for the import file and click Open. This adds all the lines on the import file to the purchase order, with the Product Code, Ordered Quantity and any other information in the import file being added. Any information not on the import file will be filled in by Infusion.