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    Products | Importing and Exporting

    Importing and Exporting of Product lists provides efficient management of product records. Exporting allows records to be reviewed externally. Importing allows records to be created or edited in bulk.

    Records are exported and imported as a .csv file. It is important when importing that content exactly matches Infusion requirements, particularly when fields use drop-down lists. Spelling and punctuation must be an exact match.

    If an import fails due to incorrect content, a notification displays advising the row number and column with the error. A brief message outlines the issue.

    When preparing an import, either export the existing list to obtain the column headers or use the templates if provided with each Import/Export option below. Each import has a table outlining column formatting requirements.

    Refer to the Import and Export article for further general information.


    The import file doesn’t need to have every single column included in the export. Instead, only the columns for the changes and columns to identify the information need to be included. The column names need to match the names of the columns in the export.


    The Products export provides a file with all products and includes Details, Grouping and Pricing information. 

    The export uses the results of the current filters to export.  If you wish to export a certain range of products, first filter and search to return those products, then export. 

    The Products import can be used to update existing product information or add new products.

    For the most up-to-date template, please use the export products option in the software.  This export is frequently updated as new settings are added. 

    Code REQUIRED: Create a new code or add an existing code. The Code must be identical if using an existing ID. If not, a new product will be created.
    Description REQUIRED: Free-text alpha-numeric field to name the product.
    Primary Barcode; Sales Unit Free-text alpha-numeric fields.
    Superceded by Must match drop-down values.
    Type; Group; Sub group Must match drop-down values.
    Length; Width; Height; Volume; Weight Free-text numeric fields.
    Latest Shipping; Latest Purchase; Average Shipping; Average Purchase Free-text numeric fields.
    Pricing Method REQUIRED: Must match drop-down values, including capitalisation of letters.
    Stop All Sales  & Stop All Purchase Orders Yes / No
    Sales GL ID / Purchases GL ID / Closing Stock GL ID  Must be valid GL IDs.  Blank means default. 
    Sales / Purchase GST Rate Blank means default
    Internal  / Public Notes Multi line Free-text  - Use Alt+Enter in Excel to add new lines. 


    Only the columns containing information to be updated have to be included in the import file, in addition to the Code, Description and Pricing Method columns. Other columns that have information that isn't being updated can be omitted from the import file. All columns in the import file need to have names identical to the corresponding column name in the export file.

    Product Price Levels

    The Product Price Levels export provides a listing of prices per Price Level for all products. 

    Product Price Level imports are used to update existing or add new price levels. Note: the price level must exist in the Product Price Level settings before selecting for import.

    Only products that use the Fixed Price Markup pricing method are updated using an import. Pricing that is controlled by the Product Group Markup pricing method cannot be edited as it is calculated by the software. 

    Template link - Product Price Levels

    Code REQUIRED: Existing codes must match exactly. 
    Level REQUIRED: Price Level must exist against the product.
    Must match drop-down values, including capitalisation of letters.
    Fixed Price GST Exclusive ($), Fixed Price GST Inclusive ($), Fixed Price Markup (%), Fixed Price Margin (%)  A minimum of one column must be updated.
    If all columns are updated, calculations must be correct.
    If one column is updated, remaining fields calculate in Infusion when the import is run.

    Import Product Receipts

    A list of Products for a Product Receipt can be imported instead of manually entering product details.

    If the product has a serial number, it continues to import and the product is indicated with a red symbol beside the product code. This identifies that serial numbers are required. They need to be added from within the product receipt.

    Template link - Product Receipt

    Product Code REQUIRED: Existing codes must match exactly.
    Description Free-text alpha-numeric field. This doesn't need to exactly match the product description in Infusion and is recorded on the Product Receipt only.
    If left blank, the product description defaults in during the import.
    Quantity REQUIRED: Free-text numeric field.
    For products with serial numbers, the Quantity field receives this value. When serial numbers are added on the receipt, the Quantity field updates to reflect the number of serial numbers entered in the pop-up window, over-writing the number from the import.
    Unit Cost ($) REQUIRED: Free-text numeric field.

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